
Typhoons. Nothing like natural disasters to spice up your day. To think my childhood was filled with gentle breezes and snowy days, and now I am grasping to telephone poles just to stay on the street while rain is hurling toward. Really adds some excitement. There is a student teacher coming to my junior high school next week. So next week is al about meetings and classes and more classes and more meetings. Enthralling. But good experience non the less. I can't believe this will be her first class she has ever taught, but then again you have to start some where.

Found out the other day that Megan's twin sister is going to be a yotei jet. So Megan was in tears she was so happy. With jet placement you never know where you are going to end up and it is really lucky for the both of them to only be an hour drive away. Going to make the next year a lot easier for both of them.

Oh, as for lost in translation, I have only watched a quarter of it because my computer kept crashing. Ah yes. I do love my computer. But the lunch bell has rung and that means that I have to go dish out the slop. That and I am done here at work, so have a great weekend.