Pay day. Definitely a time to celebrate. And finding out that my internet provider charges me $11 a month for internet, but the phone line itself costs 10 cents a minute, not that great! Here I thought I had unlimited, until I got the $100 phone bill. YIKES. Definitely bad, bad, bad.
Other than that I have been super busy at school, and have been running around like mad.
Oh, and I watched Donnie Darko last night, a good thinking movie to say the least.
And the least is all I have time to say.
Hugs to you all.
Other than that I have been super busy at school, and have been running around like mad.
Oh, and I watched Donnie Darko last night, a good thinking movie to say the least.
And the least is all I have time to say.
Hugs to you all.
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