
As my work Friday started, I have been placed in a new space. In the office, with the addition to two new people, and the subtraction of one, 11 people now share the same air.

Warning: Don't breathe in deeply. You will taste what the guy next to you had for breakfast...probably was natto.

The good news is that I am across from the stinky man now and beside my supervisor. Which means when she coughs it will no longer by in my face. And when the stinky man leans over to grab a file or look at something on his desk. His putrid breath, a mix of cigarette smoke, stale beer, coffee, and a touch of vomit, which is enough to gag someone at 50 yards, will no longer invade my lungs in surprise attacks. I was wondering if I was subjected to it long enough if my nose would just give up and my sense of smell would pack up and leave. Adaptations.

Yuck. But the coughing in the face has been cured, and that is one step toward good office living. Although I have lost my great view of the mountain. I now sit with my back to the wall and looking into the office and so I no longer have that fear that everyone is watching what I am doing. Or maybe they are, but at least now I can see them if they do.

Ah yes, April is all about new beginnings.

I had some milk from one of the bottles that the farmers gave us. Mmmmmm fresh farm milk. I turned it over with my glass under it, and nothing came out. All the cream was at the top and acting like a glue seal (I wonder if that makes it 50% milk or something, there goes my prior skim milk existence). Then when I was mentioning to Christina the wonder of my holding the milk bottle upside down while the milk stayed in the bottle, it all splashed out and onto the counter. Well, not all, but a bit.

But what is a little spilt milk really?

Another Friday, which means in a few hours I can be at home again, safe under the covers. I should be snowboarding, or going someplace, or doing something, but all I want to do is be back in bed. My body woke itself up at 5:30am and for some reason didn't want to go back to bed until 6:50 or so. Which is when I need to get up. Ahh yes, body clocks. Where are the batteries, I want to take them out, or change them or something...

Okay, scratch that. I need to find my hyper self. I know she is in there somewhere.
Maybe under my desk.

Maybe she is the wiser one and has run off to go play. I know I would if she was with me right now.

Instead I have resolved to sit here like mulch. Melding to my chair. I'm melding, melding, awahahwhwahawa....

Hmmm, I wonder what my chair thinks about all this?

Probably sick of having to put up with my ass for so long every day. Hmmm, in my next life I hope I don't come back as furniture. Although there seems to be a lot of Heather grey couches, sweaters, jackets, and chairs. Hmm, perhaps it might be my fate after all.

So if I disappear, look for me in the IKEA catalogue.

Okay, so completely unrelated to this, but related to me, is my Uncle Keith. I have two of them, in case you are wondering. The one on my mom's side is the one I am about to talk about. Let's call him Uncle Keith 1, and the other (if he ever comes up) can be Uncle Keith 2. Okay, so Uncle Keith 1 (the 1, because I met him before the other one), just got a new job up in the great Canadian Arctic. That's right folks, while I am in the land of the rising sun, he is going to the land of the perpetual sun, or perpetual darkness. Depends on the season really. So may his job be joyful and fulfilling and his curtains be thick. Congratulations!

Sweet, so I think that just about covers it.

Thank you and good day (week really, I will be back on the 14th).