
The event was held, I said goodbye to my boss. Whom I have enjoyed working for. The ceremony itself was held in the town office, were everyone gathered and at 9:30am exactly, when everyone was lined up all in 5 single rows, the talking started. It was hot, I couldn't hear what the mayor was saying, and so couldn't begin to understand. After 15 minutes of papers being handed out and speeches made, it was over. Just like that, everyone left. And the little woman who did my interview was brave enough to come and talk to me again. Complimenting me on my pronunciation. I could actually smile this time, which was nice. It is always awful when you feel bitchy and you know you are being bitchy but you just can't get out of it. And my Japanese isn't good enough to tell the lady how bitchy I was. All very strange. Anyway.

Besides what is happening in my town, and in my little world. My friend Liam is starting a project. He is trying to start a business helping people from different nations work in other nations. An international exchange of sorts. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pilgrimsofpeace
There it is if you are interested in looking at it. Right now it is just a forum, but ideas need to start somewhere.

Peace to you all.