
Blah, rain.

Who really likes cold rain?

The chill, the damp. Of course I could always be playing in puddles. But I am not.

The new living space is looking great, and of course coming home to a new arrangement daily has been really fun. And everyone likes fun. It is like one of those shows where the person leaves and the camera crew and decorators run amuck changing and creating and redesigning, and then the person comes home and usually screams, laughs, (insert emotion here). Sort of like that.

Oh, and pay day is tomorrow, which is great in my world. Means I can finally have more than the 65 yen in my pocket. Whoo hoo. I am planning on eating fresh food, should be good.

So basically I have absolutely nothing to say today. I have been having really weird dreams, and really boring work days. And even though I have been extremely busy, some part of me just feels blah. Or it could be because I am back at the board of education. I swear any ambition to work in an office has been killed by this experience. Give me a classroom and kids, or even just a space and kids, and I will be happy at work. But then of course if I didn't have so much office time I would not be able to plan as much, or be able to write my complaints for all of you to read. Yes yes, we wouldn't want to eliminate that.

I did drink a couple of cups of coffee today which means I am running on high volume, and in this office, you must be quiet, my body is shaking at the restraint. Sit still, sit still.



Sit still!

Soon, I keep telling myself soon. Soon I will be meeting my new class of 18 students. Grades 2 to 4. Soon, I will be wishing for silence and a place to unwind. Soon I will be running, playing, screaming, and trying to teach them something at the same time. Soon, so soon.

In 25 minutes.

It is all coming soon. Ah yes, living for the future. Whatever happened to the now? Whatever happened in living the moment to the fullest?

Planner ants.

Productive ants.

I need to slow down.

S L O W.