
The most important thing to me in this world are the people in it. My family and friends are a continual source of love, lessons, and kinship. I love you guys, and miss you like you wouldn't believe. My amazing parents, my awesome brother, thank you!

However, one of the most important people to me, I have only known for 3 years, and yet it seems like we have known each other for life times before. The love, the lessons, the laughs, the cries, the friendship, and the pure honesty, are unrivalled.

The energy between us is something I have never seen. Sometimes it has been a spiritual boot camp, sometimes a magical playground. And it seems like if we were left in a room together, back to back for a few days we would be bending spoons by the end of it.

I continually admire how she takes on the world with both hands, and is continually honest regardless. Her strength and courage make me believe all things are possible. Spending time with her and getting to know her stories has been magical. The outrageous adventures we have had together could easily fill a novel. Possible titles could be:

Hunted by Inga
The tales of a lonely limo driver
the philosophy of a dorm room
two exes under one roof
forty below to forty above
bathing naked in a foreign land
quaffle dumplings
Nacho man vs. Nato man
How to build a snow fort
Is that really sushi?
farm cats are friends
sea monster badges

and my favourite:
green plastic straws

Coming soon to newsstand near you!

No, but seriously, I have never met a more funny, intelligent, beautiful, and amazing woman than her. And I feel more than blessed to have shared all these adventures, words, and life. Hugs and blessings to my soul mate, Christina Stout. Knowing you has made my life richer.