I am trying to remember the moments as they fly past, the sweet words, the love, the hugs, the goodbyes. I am trying to keep it all fresh in a mental ziplock bag. My computer is fried so all I have are the pictures from the 15 minutes of my computer working that I emailed to people. (did that make sense?) Anyway, so I have no time to really do anything now, so there is a ton of memories, a ton of good times. I cried at the JHS when I had to do my goodbye speech, and the letters and the presents from the kids were amazing. I got this AMAZING pottery cup set from one of the teachers I worked with, and who was the first person in my town to be nice to me and actually comfort me. She is amazing, truly. Anyway, here are some pictures, and I am sure I will post more when i have access to a computer with a usb port and time on my hands. Till then, I have going away parties every night, and today I have 3, so I am more than busy! But the photos are of some of my kids, of the kareoke madness with Steve and Deb, and just the overall madness I think.
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