
I got an email from my best friend from Kindergarten today. She was asking me about my time in Japan, what it was all like, and if I was enjoying myself. Sad to think that it is only in those moments of reflection do I really recognize how much I love this place. I am surrounded by two gorgeous mountains, am only a 45 minute drive away from the ocean (either way), I have two very amazing ski resorts only minutes from me, the people are wonderful, I love my job (despite my grumbling), and this place pushes me to every extreme I know. Constant growth surrounded by beauty, where everyday is very much an adventure, how could you not be filled with admiration. Even when I am having a disgusting day at work, I only need to step outside, look around me and breathe, and everything is right with the world again. I definitely miss the people in North America, but as for where I need to be now, this is it.
Regardless of what else goes on in my life, where this path leads me, if I had the choice to go back and change my decisions, I wouldn't. Not only am I able to experience and try everything I can imagine wanting to, but I get to do it in a very amazing place. My love for this place is now deep in my belly, regardless of if I agree with the politics or policies of the land. There is just something so baffling and amazing, to have so many people stuck together on one island and yet be one of the most safe and peaceful places in the world. Could it be the Buddhist roots? Is it a cultural thing? Is it the way of life and being surrounded by great beauty? Whatever it is, I only hope that when I do leave this place that I carry with me all the lessons I have learned. Even though, as we speak they are bursting and spilling out of the bag. Life is not about the destination but about the journey, and so far I am loving my travels.
Be kind to others, your actions make more of an impact than you know.