
Ahh the weekend. Doesn't get better than this. Or maybe it does. Minus the falling on my ass, hitting a snow bank with my car, falling on a rail, and a pounding headache, yep without that, things would pretty much be perfect. But rest assure, car and ass are okay, well maybe just the car. I'm not sure I will be sitting comfortably for a while. Just in time for my 13 hour work day!
But, I digress, let me give you a synopsis of these startling and sometimes painful events.

First the rail...ahh rails. Nothing feels better than hitting a rail with your snowboard. Hearing that CLING and then SSHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG as you slide across it. Now, I can do this on the flat ones, and so I thought I better step it up a little. Cue music for BAD THOUGHT! The rail itself starts flat but then has a kink and goes down on a 45 degree angle. Well, I managed the flat part, then got to the kink and slipped off and rode beside it while my body was still on the rail. Does that make sense? Picture someone snowboarding next to a rail, then lean that person back 50 degrees. Ahh there you go. Yes, that was me.
Of course after that the stubbornness was pumping through my veins, so I proceeded to ride the next two rails flawlessly. One, a flat rail, your very basic rail. The next one, a rainbow rail. That one I'm pretty proud off. So scary, up, and then DOWN! Now the up part is scary enough, but if you don't lift your nose of your snowboard at the very end, it goes right into the ground. Fun fun fun for all ankles.

Anyway, where was I?

Right, next the car...oh my poor car. I was driving away from a hill when I slowed down for a corner, and then proceeded to SLIDE into the snow bank. Luckily I was going slow, and so a bit of shoveling with a snowboard (which reminds me, I should put a shovel in the trunk of my car), and pushing assistance required and my car was FREE. I checked for damage, and there was nothing visible. Of course that doesn't mean that my wheel alignment or any of those sorts of things are okay, but let's hope.

Okay, the falling on my ass part. That was at fukidashi park. Christina and I were going to fill up empty bottles with water (cause between the two of us, we drink about 6 liters of water a day) and my feet decided they were tired of being stepped on, and wanted a view from the top. So up they went, and down went my ass. Now I'm pretty impressed that out of all parts that could have volunteered my butt jumped right in there, but still... Lucky for me, Christina was there to roll me out of the middle of the path, and make sure I was still breathing, oh, and able to walk. All good things when you are prone to concussions.

Alright, shifting in my chair (keeping my newly bruised parts in mind) and in my mind set. Today is White day in Japan. What is White day? Well, in Japan Valentine's day is just for girls and women to buy things (usually chocolates) for the boys and men in their lives. And so of course you can't have one sex celebrating the other without some reciprocation, that's where White day comes in. If a woman gave a man something for Valentine's day, then he is obligated to give her something back. The crappy part (for chocolate lovers) is that the gift you are suppose to give on White day is cookies. Now there are chocolate cookies, and other yummy things, but nothing really beats a good box of truffles.

MMMMM, sorry folks, a bit distracted, Christina is feeding me yummy little balls of something...
Tasty little peanut buttery balls of goodness. MMMMMMMMMMMM Almost like dough forms of Reeses Pieces. You really ought to try these. I would share, but I really don't think there will be any left by the time I get done writing this. It's a shame really, they are very tasty.

Oh right, yesterday, seems so far away now.

Yesterday meant a trip to the beach (for those of you thinking bathing suits and sun tanning, you are sadly mistaken). Christina and I bundled up in our winter gear and set off. mmmmm nothing says beach like winter jackets and mittens. The drive there was gorgeous, seems like we had finished with winter, and entered summer (till we opened the windows brrrrr). But there was no snow, and that was nice. We got to Muroran (where I surf), and walked around till we were both too frozen to enjoy the sounds and smells. We found some nice shells though, so that's always rewarding. Oh, and a jelly fish, that was interesting. Anyway, so after getting back into the car and warming our appendages, we drove to Date and had some oh so good Hokkaido katenzushi (a sushi restaurant that has the all different plates of sushi on a conveyor belt that rotates the plates around the tables). Christina was adventurous enough to try unknown fish on rice items, me, I stuck mostly to the honey potatoes. I know, in a sushi place, you should eat fish, but I think this whole daily fish intake is getting to me. The potatoes tasted damn good though. So we ate, till we couldn't eat anymore, then set off back to the mini microclimate of snow valley, better know as Kimobetsu. Where shoveling is not only an every hour thing, but an art.

And here we are, here, today. And me, I'm off to go eat more oh so yummy little peanut butter balls of goodness.