
The stinky man is muttering something again...I'm not sure what...um...right, where was I?

Oh right, first off, it snowed DIRT yesterday. Nothing like mud from the sky. Apparently it was yellow dirt from China. How so much of it got in the air, I'm afraid to ask, what is actually inside that dirt, also afraid to ask. But everything got nicely covered...yucky.


There is tension everywhere now that it is March. It is the final yay or nay on all teaching positions. Not to mention government jobs as well. Strange to live on a one year basis like that. I mean, I do, but this is just temporary. I found out a few of my favorite teachers are staying, a few are going, and a few still don't know. Why the madness? I'm not sure. Perhaps the government thought that the spread of ideas was a better goal than teacher stability. Seems odd that a teacher can not stay in a place longer than 10 years at most, 5 years if they are lucky, and usually only 1-3. New places, new faces.


The so called snow continues to fall and dirty things.

Right, but the good news is it is finally the weekend, and that makes everything okay really. And I have it scheduled to be a quiet one...sshhhhhhhh....

No house guests, no crazy travel, just the comforts of my own walls. I'm really excited. Don't let my hermit behavior fool you, I do enjoy the outside world. But weekend after weekend of travel and people madness can leave anyone frazzled.

Hmmm, right, 5 minutes till noon. That means I am off off off. Oh the greatness of Friday. Not my favorite day, but getting up there.

Let the madness begin...
