
Through the great communicative power of my electronic dictionary, the final verdict was that I had petit mal. Having only stumbled across this word for the first time today I am not really sure how to use it in a sentence. A petit mal occurred? I petit malled? Yeah, who knows. So that, and I have another concussion. Which is a great reason to have this blog, when my memory of what I just did fails, at least I can look up on line as to what happened. Ah yes, 22 going on 85. I'm loving it.

So yeah, the doctor basically is waiting till the next episode, and then I get a MRI, and will find out for sure all that other stuff, for now he is chalking it up to a seizure and handing out pain killers for my head. Ah yes, that's just what I need, more pills.

Anyway, that's the update folks, and may I never take for granted being upright again!

Love to you all!