All I have to say is that it was an AWESOME weekend. Saturday and Sunday were unbelievable! So much fun. I already told you all about my Friday. Saturday morning and afternoon was a day on the phone. I talked to my mom, to Nicole, to Rob, to Sapporo Tim, to Mark, and after an email from Laura telling me that she was having a joint birthday party for her and Brian that night, well my plans were set. So after sleeping till 10am, and hanging out till 4pm, I was on my way to Sapporo (again). I met up with Rob after having a hell of a time trying to find parking, and we went for dinner. Greasy gross dinner, but dinner none the less. After we quickly went shopping for a birthday gift for Laura, and then off to the party at 8:30pm. The party itself was packed. So many people. People I hadn`t seen all year, and some I had just met. But good times for all, the cops even came. Funny stuff there too. The police showed up and apologized many times and asked if we could please be quiet. And with an apartment filled with 25 or so intoxicated people, that was pretty funny stuff. Cause in parties, everyone is talking, and trying to talk over the talking, and well, you get the point. But things finally died down around 2am, with a whole group of people going out to hit the streets of Sapporo. I stayed at Tim and Laura`s with the last remaining few. When it came time to crash, Rob stayed at Sapporo Mark`s apartment (just down the hall), and I crawled into the spare room at Laura`s and slept there. Surprisingly it was only me and snowboarding Mark that stayed at their place. At 7am, Mark woke up and started talking to me, and so I woke up. He fell back to sleep, but I lay there awake till 8:30am, when I was driven to go find food. Which meant emailing Rob to wake up and driving to the nearest 7-11. Ah, the breakfast of champions. So I hung around and talked to Laura for a bit while Rob was getting ready and coming there, then off we went.
7-11 for breakfast, and back to Kimobetsu. Rob was in tow because he is interested in building his own log cabin and so wanted to talk to the farmer people. So with less than 5 hours of sleep, I drove back, changed, and we went to the farm. When we got there we were given an ice cream, and then skinned half a log before they called us over for lunch. My friend Jordan, had emailed me only hours before wanting to go on a hike, but once I told him what my plans were he decided to scrap the hike and come to the farm. He showed up just as we were all sitting down for lunch. The three of us ate yummy food, all homemade, all organic, sitting outside on logs in the sunshine. Then we set to work and the guys were awesome. We all were bug bitten and had blisters on our hands, but they kept going, didn`t complain. Everyone had a good time, and by the time we left (cause Rob had to catch a train back), we had worked for 3 hours (on and off between two ice cream breaks and lunch), and skinned 5 logs. The farmer people were super happy, and out of the 50 logs, there are only 18 left. And since they usually don`t have time to skin more than one log every few days, it was a big deal to them that all the ones they had brought to the yard were now done. As we were leaving, Midori gave each of us a bag full of food. Each bag had a bottle of fresh milk, a big bunch of asparagus, lettuce, fresh buns, and date bread. All of this food came from their farm. We were a little surprised, but it was a nice gift for all of us.
At the end of it, it was great to catch up with Jordan, and with Rob, who are both leaving at the end of July so I only have one more month to see them. They both came my year and we have been friends for two years now, a long time in this place. They will be missed to be sure.
When I finally got home, showered off the tree sap, alcohol, sweat, and dirt. I found a letter in my mail box from Catherine. Inside the lettter was a grad picture. She is graduating June 3rd, and possibly coming on JET. I am pretty excited all in all. My best friend from kindergarten, and our lives are still crossing paths. Pretty cool. So tired and happy I cooked up some of the asparagus for dinner, and sat down when the phone rang. It was the doctor inviting me over for dinner, which of course I declined. I was way too exhausted. I ended up going to sleep at 7pm and waking up at 7:45am and I am still tired. I had the most insane dreams though. But tired and happy I am back here at work, settling in for the long haul. After the weekend, I have re-realized that these people in my world are simply awesome, and I am totally thankful for each of their crazy existences.
It is raining and grey outside, but life, life is still a sunrise. Love to you all!
7-11 for breakfast, and back to Kimobetsu. Rob was in tow because he is interested in building his own log cabin and so wanted to talk to the farmer people. So with less than 5 hours of sleep, I drove back, changed, and we went to the farm. When we got there we were given an ice cream, and then skinned half a log before they called us over for lunch. My friend Jordan, had emailed me only hours before wanting to go on a hike, but once I told him what my plans were he decided to scrap the hike and come to the farm. He showed up just as we were all sitting down for lunch. The three of us ate yummy food, all homemade, all organic, sitting outside on logs in the sunshine. Then we set to work and the guys were awesome. We all were bug bitten and had blisters on our hands, but they kept going, didn`t complain. Everyone had a good time, and by the time we left (cause Rob had to catch a train back), we had worked for 3 hours (on and off between two ice cream breaks and lunch), and skinned 5 logs. The farmer people were super happy, and out of the 50 logs, there are only 18 left. And since they usually don`t have time to skin more than one log every few days, it was a big deal to them that all the ones they had brought to the yard were now done. As we were leaving, Midori gave each of us a bag full of food. Each bag had a bottle of fresh milk, a big bunch of asparagus, lettuce, fresh buns, and date bread. All of this food came from their farm. We were a little surprised, but it was a nice gift for all of us.
At the end of it, it was great to catch up with Jordan, and with Rob, who are both leaving at the end of July so I only have one more month to see them. They both came my year and we have been friends for two years now, a long time in this place. They will be missed to be sure.
When I finally got home, showered off the tree sap, alcohol, sweat, and dirt. I found a letter in my mail box from Catherine. Inside the lettter was a grad picture. She is graduating June 3rd, and possibly coming on JET. I am pretty excited all in all. My best friend from kindergarten, and our lives are still crossing paths. Pretty cool. So tired and happy I cooked up some of the asparagus for dinner, and sat down when the phone rang. It was the doctor inviting me over for dinner, which of course I declined. I was way too exhausted. I ended up going to sleep at 7pm and waking up at 7:45am and I am still tired. I had the most insane dreams though. But tired and happy I am back here at work, settling in for the long haul. After the weekend, I have re-realized that these people in my world are simply awesome, and I am totally thankful for each of their crazy existences.
It is raining and grey outside, but life, life is still a sunrise. Love to you all!
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