
Sweet. I am swinging from the office chandelier. Or at least I would be if we had one...

So the regular Monday blah was here, and now has been swept away as this sweet tiny little bottle full of liquid has hit my system.


Instant pick me up.

Seriously. Japan kicks ASS when it comes to natural medicine. My absolute life saver can no longer live without it (well, only on the really tough days) is called tough man. Well, actually the name is tafu man, but in Japanese it comes out to tough man. Whoo hoo. It is a genki drink. Curious as to its content, I went and checked it out.


The description:
A refreshing beverage containing ginseng extract, along with important vitamins and amino acids.

It is that pretty little bottle on the left. Yummy.

Besides this wonderful drink they have a whole whack of other great boosters.
Is a description of their fermented milk drinks, mmmmmmm.

Okay, so thanks to the ginseng I am flying off the wall and stuck in the office. Not to mention my hormones are going a little crazy. But being surrounded by all these over 50 men acts as a bit of a buzz kill and in the end it all balances out.


Okay, love you all, and if there is one thing I bring home, it will be a few bottles of tough man, you gotta try it!


Oh, and on a totally different note. There is a lady who comes and works in the office once every few months to add additions to their rule books and take out pages, etc. Anyway, the speed and accuracy at which this woman works is a lesson for all. Totally humbling. She is a blur of flipping through papers, putting them in books, yeah. It is all pretty awesome! So a big shout out to her.

Right, and a big


to Peter for getting that articling job offer with Fraser Milner Casgrain:
Whoo hoo. You in the butter now zone now baby!

Man, this seems like I am listing now. Hmmm. Oh well. Live with it people, there are shout outs I gotsta give.

Oh, and a good luck wish goes to Christina. I hope your car, you, and Boris, make it back to Boulder blissfully. Back in the Keys, showing off your roots, you know Boris is going to love it!

Peace people, oh and genki drinks for all.

Love you!