
The Big Bluey

Exhaustion. It is 11:40am, and I am ready to crawl back into bed. Doesn't help that I went to bed around 3am, and then woke up at 8:30am for a sports festival. Then when I got to the school, they had cancelled it because of rain. So I thought, I'm up, I might as well go drive and get groceries. Anyway...that has nothing to do with my news at all. So moving on.

HAJET might be getting my book professionally published. Upping the price, but making it look really good. It is in its 3rd printing now, as well as an e-book. Who would have thought the big blue book would have done so well. I would be happy if HAJET gave the big blue book a face lift, made it pretty. What I would really like is some time to make a bigger and better blue book. But time is something I have very little of, and this thing called sleep keeps haunting me. I wonder what it would be like to be one of those people who only need an hour of sleep. Think what I could get done in a day.

Alright, time to reunite myself with my bed.