
Easter = exhaustion

Happy Easter, and Happy birthday for my brother (it's the time difference working here). This Easter was spent on the hill, in what could be my last powder day of the season. And yet despite the fluffy (it was actually pretty heavy), white stuff, I managed to do my most spectacular crash of the year. Of course it wasn't while doing anything cool, or flying off anything. Nope, just speeding down in between trees, and in front of me I saw Laura crash, and was worried and wondering if she was alright, and right then I didn't notice a bump or stump or something, but going full speed I hit the ground hard. And I did 2 cartwheels because I was going so fast, and this wasn't a hand to hand sideways action, this was a ground to head to feet to head to body. Yep, and hearing my neck crunch. I have been pretty tired after that. But I managed to ride out the day. And now, now I'm exhausted. But it was a pleasant Sunday, and the other day I did manage to finally go see Hori-sensei and the Saitou family, which was nice. Good to visit them after so long, specially since I have been sick and so I have been keeping myself quarantined (specially around newborns and little ones). Alright, so I am going to go take some ibuprofen, stretch, have a cup of tea, and read. Congratulations goes out to my brother and Sandi who won 4th place at their dance competition today. Way to go guys!!!!