
A post to see if posting works. You see this morning I ranted and raved and wrote some pretty cool shit (okay so it was just me rambling) and then went to post it and a big error message was the reply.

Saddened by the loss of my entry I went on to salvage my day, and here we are 3:00pm, and I am trying yet again to spread my light onto your computer screens. If it is too bright you may need to turn down your monitor. Anyway. So as I was saying this morning (nothing like repeating myself), I had some pretty strange dreams last night.

Europe (again) was the setting.
Me, I was a writer. Not just any writer, no letters were to be had, but a novel. The novelty of the novel, ah yes. Cobblestones, a hot beverage, and a pad of paper in my hands, freedom to share the story in my head and in my heart. Course that only meant a few lines because I eventually woke up. But I did manage to write down the lines I did make and so all is not lost.

The other dream I had was about my book that is about to come out. And the publisher handed me the finish copy and it was a different cover, title, and colour. My name wasn't even on it, and it was half the size. I was distraught.

But wounds heal, and alarms do go off, and so shocked by my nights employment, I got ready for my day-time job. I skateboarded to work again today, amazed at the ease of motion. Yesterday it was very much a battle of not running into cars, falling off, and going around corners. But for some reason my energy has plummeted (personally I blame the heavy gross school lunch), and so going home from work should be interesting.

The exciting thing though is tomorrow, it will be my first surf session of the season (wow a lot of S's). Half day, surfing, drive to Niseko, party at Steve's. Next day, poking and prodding (or rather getting poked and prodded), then back out to surf, party at Aki's, Sunday surf, then go home. Ah yes, the surfing has taken over. But nothing really balances me like a good surf session. I have never been so focused or have felt so alive, it is addicting. The only down part is that it is suppose to rain and wet wetsuits when you first put them on are, well...lets just say they are not pleasant. But back to the ocean for me.

If you put me to your ear you can hear the waves crashing (could be from all the water in my stomach).

Dream people, dream.